Friday, April 16, 2021

Spring, Winter, Spring

March and April are notorious difficult months for riding here in western New England. March tends to be cold and windy, while April can bring just about any combination of warm, cold, rainy, and snowy.

That was the case this week. The weather last week was excellent for riding: warm, dry, and calm. This week has been different. It started off cool, but not too bad. Yet over the past 24 hours we've seen a mix of heavy rain and wet snow. The snow did not add up to anything measurable, but it's a reminder that just about any type of weather is possible here. And it means I have to check the roads to see if they put down a layer of road brine/salt. I don't believe the state did that, but it's worth checking because that stuff will rust your steel parts out in short order.

In any event, I took a nice shot of a Great Blue Heron on a dam looking for frogs and fish when I was riding earlier this week. The Blue Heron is one of my favorite local birds because it's a large, rather unique bird in this area. You can immediately identify them in the air or slowly walking along the edges of the water looking for something to catch.

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