Wednesday, July 24, 2024

"Finding" Extra Rides in Humid, Damp Conditions

 Awhile back, I wrote about "found" rides - that is, bike rides you were unexpectedly able to take. These rides might result from a little extra free time, better-than-expected weather, or a little more daylight in the evening. 

This evening was one such ride. We've had a period of humid, rainy weather for about a week. Monday and Tuesday evenings were too rainy, or thunderstorms were close by. This evening was supposed to be more of the same, but we fortunately had about 3 hours of humid - but dry - weather. That was enough time to take about an hour or so to ride after work on my 1953 Raleigh Lenton. Any time you have a "found" ride, all the better for a pleasant surprise.


  1. What a wonderful blog! I took my boys out on a nice ride this afternoon. My bike today was a rehabbed 1950-54 Schwinn World Traveler (not sure how to determine the exact date) -- original worn, blue patina, gently lacquered to inhibit further rusting. Pedals are decidedly aftermarket, but otherwise the bike is unmolested. It's a startling comfortable and fast ride. In fact, I am thoroughly confused by the bike: I don't think I have ever had the pleasure to ride a bike on which energy was transferred so efficiently to the wheels. The boys' jaws dropped as I lapped them for the umpteenth time. Have a wonderful evening.

    1. Thanks, appreciate the kind words. It's good to get outdoors and away from the screens, especially if you can get the kids away from those screens too. Schwinn World Travelers are nice bikes - have fun with it!


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