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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Bike Philosophy: Considering Biking, Health, and Individualism

My Philosophy

Bicycling is one of the most individual of sports. Like walking, running, or golf, it can be done in a group, or entirely alone. How to participate varies greatly from person to person. The cornerstone of my philosophy is this: ride your bike; ride it your own way; and enjoy every minute of it. Don't be worried if your style of riding is different from what is popular or what is recommended by the local retail shop. Ride your way, get exercise, get out into the world, and free your mind up from worry while you ride.


Flexibility and Resilience as a Strength of the Hobby

Bicycling is a not the most popular sport or hobby in the USA, but it is one of the most resilient and one of the most flexible. It has been through several booms and busts since the high-wheel bike and the first safety bikes in the 1880s and 1890s. Each time bicycling seemed to be "dead" in the U.S., it eventually came back. This resilience is largely due to how flexible and individual it can be.

In the vintage bike sphere, we have just as much flexibility and individuality as anywhere else in the sport, perhaps even more so. Some enthusiasts ride 130-year-old high wheel bikes, and some ride bikes they purchased themselves in the 1980s, and everything in between. Some ride for speed or faster times, but many ride simply for fun and to be outdoors. Some riders combine vintage bikes with new technology, such as smart phone applications and performance spreadsheets, while others ride without any newer aids.

Tried and True Advice

I particularly like advice that President Eisenhower's doctor, Paul Dudley White, gave many years ago. Dr. White reminded people that bicycle riding and similar forms of exercise were physically beneficial and provided a sort of psychological therapy as well. A bike ride is good for both the body and the mind. He famously prescribed bicycling as a form of exercise that would benefit President Dwight Eisenhower after the President had a heart attack while in office, in September 1955. 


Dr. Paul Dudley White on an old style touring bike

Dr. White's advice reminds us that bicycling is beneficial to the individual, regardless of whether we ride in a group or solo. Dr. White rode a touring bike regularly and was one of bicycling's strongest advocates in the US, all without being competitive or trying to sell fancy products to the public. He reminded the public to get outdoors, keep moving, and enjoy life while you're doing all that.


Dr. White on an old style Schwinn tandem

Closing Thought

I wind up in the same camp. If you enjoy an ancient, 1920s era wood wheel bike for riding, go with it. If you prefer a 1950s three speed, use it. If you rather ride a 1980s road bike, then do that. If you prefer to ride alone every time and simply enjoy the outdoors, then great. If you prefer to ride with a group, then go with them. 

There is no, single "right" way to ride. Observe the rules of the road and stay safe. But do not feel compelled to buy something or ride a certain way simply because that is what is popular or what someone is trying to sell to you. . You don't have to spend a great deal of money and you don't have to buy all the various accessories and gadgets. Your money is better on bringing the bicycle up to par - good brake pads, good tires, a proper fitting saddle, etc. You can ride a simple, old single speed or three speed comfortably and enjoyably. It's good for the heart and good for the mind.

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