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Friday, December 14, 2018

Phillips Rod Brake Roadster

A few more pictures of the Phillips roadster in action. I've painted a few screw heads and a few other details.

 I still need to do some mending on the old Dover Exonite grips. I also need to get a set of Bridgeport Schrader valve caps onto the tubes instead of the modern, plastic domes.

 But it's coming along toward the finish line. It's a really classic, simple, and handsome old bike.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Phillips Rod Brake Roadster Update

There has been lots of progress on the Phillips roadster. The bicycle is re-assembled and basically is set up.

A few, small things remain: painting fender mounting screw heads to match the fenders, repairing the old Dover Exonite handgrips, adding some Bridgeport valve caps instead of the plastic ones, and some cosmetic touch-up here and there.

But it's nice to finally have this bike on the road. It rides in a manner very typical of the "old type" roadsters from before WWII - gallows seat post; very upright riding position; stubby handgrips; no chain guard at all; and sort of just a "hefty" feel to the bike. The braking is actually not bad at all for steel rims and rod brakes. The 1930s Sturmey three speed hub runs reasonably well. The really heavy, square-cut frame lugs hint that this is an old-school rod brake roadster from the earlier days than the more common, 1970s-era Raleigh DL-1 bikes.

Overall, I like this bike. It's very different from the later, more common roadsters we see from Raleigh. This is a more primitive roadster, that still belongs to the same general family of bicycles. But it certainly is something different. I will say lots of people look as I go by - this old Phillips is certainly different from most of what's on the road today.